Invisacook - CeramicCleaner

Invisacook CeramicCleaner
CeramicCleaner ensures gentle and effective cleaning of your Invisacook surface. CeramicCleaner loosens and removes dirt.
Producer: Invisacook USA
Invisacook - CeramicCleaner Price:
35,95 € incl. VAT
Invisacook Europe GmbH -
Clean your Invisacook surface with the CeramicCleaner. The composition of the CeramicCleaner ensures radiant cleanliness in the kitchen.

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Care instructions

With ceramic kitchen worktops, you have chosen a valuable, high-quality and durable product for your kitchen. In order to keep the look of this surface long-term, we have put together this care set for you with a few tips.

  • Info: Ceramic is a modern, robust material. It is fired at approx. 1200 °C during production and is therefore extremely heat-resistant over the entire surface. Ceramic is not porous or open-pored, which is why impurities cannot penetrate the surface. Impregnation is therefore not required.
  • Care: For daily cleaning and care we recommend our TopCleaner. With TopCleaner, everyday dirt can be easily, hygienically and streak-free removed. It does not contain any aggressive substances and is therefore particularly suitable for your kitchen worktops. To do this, spray TopCleaner evenly onto the surface to be cleaned and rub in with a dry, lint-free cloth. Allow the remaining film of moisture to dry. Do not rinse with clear water.
  • Intensive cleaning: Stubborn stains can be easily removed with our CeramicCleaner. It contains microparticles that easily and hygienically remove difficult soiling through mechanical abrasion. To do this, shake the bottle well before use and apply a small amount of the cleaner to the soiled surface and leave to take effect. After a few minutes, gently rub off with clear, warm water and a scratch-free nylon sponge in circular movements. Then rinse well with warm water. If necessary, the process can be repeated, but selective and vigorous scrubbing should be avoided. Finally, dry the surface with a clean cloth.
  • Notice: The same principle applies to ceramics as to any other surface. It's always easier to clean a fresh stain right away than to deal with its dried-in residue. Although ceramic is one of the hardest surfaces, we recommend using a cutting board in the work area to prevent scratch marks and metal abrasion of the cutting knives. Using trivets will prevent a highly unlikely thermal shock that can cause cracking or discoloration.

We hope you enjoy your ceramic worktop.

CE - Invisacook cRUus - US and TUV certification - Invisacook CSA - Canada - Invisacook G-Mark - Middle East - Invisacook RCM - Australian Certification - Invisacook UL - USA - Invisacook